Selasa, 01 Januari 2013



Assalamualaikum my Beautiful Ladies :')
I wanna say to you all  ~*~ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013~*~
I hopefully everything will be fine and very very  good to future. Alhamdulillah, start now we have  new day, new hope, new dreams that become reality, and certainly a new spiritfull that we will never let it die out.
Yupss!!! bersamaan dengan moment special Tahun Baru ini, dengan senang hati & rasa terimakasih saya persembahkan my Collection Shawl. Well, I called "CHIFFONE CERUTTI SHAWL" [CCS]

TTTAAAADDDDDAAAA......................... For more know the detail of materials, please look at the picture below Ladies :-)

Have you know something important, Ladies???? This 'Cerutti Shawl' is made of material that is very comfortable to wear and soft on your skin. Owhhh...... there's more, the fabric is very easy to set  up, to creation with a variety of hijab styles. InsyaAllah kept you syar'i Ladies :-)
             Are you ready to order CHIFFONE CERUTTI SHAWL ???
Please send your Format Order to email:
This's Format Order;
-FULL NAME      :                                                                                 
-ADDRESS           :                                                                                              
-NO.HP                :                                                                                 
-TRANSFER VIA : (BCA or MANDIRI) and I will send bank account what do you want
             After you finishing the Format Order and send it, you will receive a reply within 24 hours or please check your Spam :-)
For get more information please inbox in here [0877 5660 4040] or you can follow my twitter:
Ladies.... thank you so much for your atention. May ALLAH SWT bless you. Amiiin
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

2 komentar:

  1. Temporary... Azizah cerutti shawl full booked Ladies :-) Thank you

  2. Assalamualaikum.... CERUTTI SHAWL has RESTOCK!!! :-) and now U can order,Ladies.Thank you..
